(automotive) Collision safety
(components/systems) Structure endurance Noise/Vibration Heat flow
Collision Safety(automotive)
Collision safety of the vehicle itself, as well as the individual components and systems of the vehicle are analyzed, and improvements are made to develop optimized specifications
Plotting of load-displacement curves for collision and impact, with adjustments to energy absorption to improve the impact safety of products
Correlation analyses for deformation mode, acceleration and intrusion data from tests
Evaluation of collision performance against NCAP and other regulations, with improvements to minimize passenger injury
Applicable fields
Front / Side / Rear Crash
Evaluation of collision performance against NCAP and other regulations to improve vehicle safety
USNCAP 100% FRB 56kph

ENCAP 40% ODB 64kph

IIHS 25% FRB 64kph

IIHS Side MDB 50kph

FMVSS301 Rear MDB 80kph